Cover letter as a copy template against chat control

Subject: Please vote against “chat control”

Dear Dr. Erdmenger,

As a citizen of the European Union, I would like to urge you to vote against the planned introduction of so-called ‘chat control’ for the mass surveillance of private communications.

This measure is incompatible with the EU's fundamental democratic values and rights and would have serious negative consequences:

First of all, the random surveillance of the private communications of all EU citizens represents a blatant violation of the right to privacy enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Such mass surveillance is characteristic of totalitarian regimes, but not of a liberal democracy in which citizens control the government and not the other way around.

Furthermore, chat control is completely unsuitable for combating crime such as child abuse, as criminals will have easy ways to circumvent it. Instead, many innocent citizens would inevitably be wrongfully monitored.

What is particularly alarming is that chat control would massively weaken data security and encryption and create "back doors" for hackers and cyber criminals. This would have catastrophic consequences for the cybersecurity of citizens, companies and Europe as a business location.

Reputable child protection organizations reject the measure as inappropriate and ineffective. Instead, the focus must be on preventing cases of abuse in real life before illegal content can even be shared online.

I therefore urge you to protect the privacy, security and civil liberties of EU citizens and vote against this disproportionate surveillance proposal. Let us defend together the European values of a free, democratic and secure society.

Best regards
[Your name]